Some brands are still delivering the brand essence that have made them the icons they are today. The warm feelings that were ignited in me today were for the lovely John Lewis.
In the spirit of the times, and being 'on trend' in renewing my zeal for homely cooking, I was on the look out for the perfect pudding bowl. Having seen a couple of pricey ones I had a look at John Lewis's website and found the perfect item - in the sale - with free delivery. So on Friday I ordered two pudding bowls. On Sunday afternoon I received an email to say my bowls were on their way. I 'tracked' my parcel on Monday morning to find that it had been put on the van in Wembley at 8.10 am. And almost no traffic was going anywhere as we were experiencing the biggest snowfall for 18 years. What hope for my puddings?
But fear not. At around 1.00pm there was a ring at the door. Despite the crisp, white and even covering my pudding bowls had got through. Happy day. Good snow, no school and a warm feeling about John Lewis. Simple, wholesome and reliable. Just like steamed pudding and custard.