The area has always been a hot bed for artists - and other things - but the move of St Martins up to Kings Cross may reduce its arty reputation. And conversely the bohemian Soho chic of St Martins (yes I still call that bit St Martins) may be eroded by the move. Having in the past been one of the top 5 Cool Brands in the UK (along with Aston Martin, Marc Jacobs, Bang & Olufsen and Apple) it needs to work on maintaining its reputation. There is however a lovely project being set up by Central St Martins where alumni are being asked to be part of 'Mapping the Move' by drawing bits of their old college spaces. So get down to Cass Art, sharpen your pencils and balance on your drawing stool to add your mark making to the archive.
Image of Richard Long by Oded Halammy, see it here