A joy of a client with a gritty product and a genuinely meaningful purpose, we worked hard to focus, simplify and de-babble their vision and mission. We helped focus their brand, and create clear brand strategy from which could flow their name, strapline, copy, attitude, tone of voice and visual identity.
Their Impact Report 2010 actually has the vision and mission upfront and (you may feel empathy with this) a clear statement of what Swanswell is, distilled from much too-ing and fro-ing and nuancing. It might look easy now, but the whole thing represents such a terrific piece of teamwork, trust and hard work that it almost brings a tear to my eye.
johnsonbanks' identity, carried forward into this delightful publication, is such a brilliant exposition of the brand strategy it takes my breath away. The crumple concept is described in the report, "The crumpled part of the logo represents how our service users often tell us they felt before they came to Swanswell. The logo then smoothes out representing how a person can be happy and well with Swanswell's help and support."
And the post-it note flick book is the icing on the cake.