Friday 11 February 2011

Art, life, wisdom and football

Never underestimate the intelligence of your audience. A lesson for all brand communications.

Just in case you missed this in Hugh Muir's Diary, in the Guardian yesterday, I repeat the whole piece here:

Yes, wisdom is found in unexpected places. And giving a lecture on leadership at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Glasgow on Monday night, Sir Alex Ferguson told of his surprise on learning that one of his former players knew something of fine art. During a quiz between the team and coaching staff, the coaches were leading with one question left to go, when the players were asked: "Which artist painted Sunflowers?" Amid silence and blank looks, the coaches were confident of victory, only for Nicky Butt to shout out with 10 seconds to go – Van Gogh! "How the hell did you know that" demanded Sir Alex? "I have two in my house," said Butt.